Over 450 students participate in the 2017 Innovate CTEC challenge at MDCWolfson. Career and life ready!
Superintendent Carvalho addressed the general assembly.
Full house Innovate CTEC contests at MDCWolfson
Kicking off Computer Science Week with the Fourth Annual Innovate – Career Technical Education Challenge (CTEC), a partnership with MDCollege.
Parents and students visit MDC information booths.
MLEC in the house! Innov@te CTEC 2017 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners in Networking!
Javier Cuesta brings Coral Gables SHS the 1st place in telecommunications at Fourth Annual Innov@te – Career Technical Education Challenge (CTEC)
Top three MDCPSAcademics logo design winners and the beautiful kids that created them. Future is bright!
Hialeah Gardens Middle School places 2nd and 3rd in the Mobile App contest sponsored by “Innov@te – CTE
Congrats to HomesteadAOHT IDEA Challenge winners at the 4th Annual Innov@te-CTEC
Congratulations!!! First and Second Place Parliamentary Procedure Teams of Redland Middle AOA students
Winners of the Engineering Bridge Design
Also winners of the Engineering Design
Winners of Aeronautical Glider Design
The 2017 Innov@te-CTEC event was held at Miami Dade College, Wolfson Campus on Saturday, December 2, 2017. Middle and High school Career and Technical Education (CTE) students competed for prizes in various areas, such as Culinary Arts bake-off, CPR, logo design, and much much more!
This event was the kick-off for Hour of CodeTM Week – December 4-10, 2017

A collaboration of MDC-Wolfson and M-DCPS CTE Department also highlighted college information for parents and students.
Special Keynote Speaker: Erik Heinrich, Senior Manager of State, Local and Education Business Development at Ruckus Wireless

Innovate Highlighted in M-DCPS CONNECTION December 2017 Newsletter
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