Certification helps reduce college tuition!

Thousands of Miami-Dade CTE students achieve industry certification in their program of study.

See Return on Investment Report to calculate how much college tuition is saved through industry certifications which have college articulation agreements. These industry certification exams are offered at Miami-Dade County Public Schools. Please check with your student's school for information on industry certification exams offered. 


2023-24 Return on Investment 10-6-23



The 2023-24 CAPE Industry Certification Funding List is a combined list of industry certifications and certificates with secondary and postsecondary funding designations. ​

2023-24 CAPE Industry Certification Funding List (Excel)

2024-25 CAPE Industry Certification Funding List - Draft (Excel) NEW

Industry Certification Updates for CTE

Schools must refer to the M-DCPS latest weekly briefings, before registering or scheduling industry certification testing.

  • All teachers who will be administering Industry Certification Exams must attend an Industry Certification Mandatory Virtual Meeting. 

Note: Teachers who attended the 2023 CTE Opening of Schools Professional Learning Seminar on August 15, 2023, received credit for this training.

Register for Teacher Industry Certification Testing. or see briefing #40487 

Excerpts of Briefing ID # 40756

Title: Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) Industry Certification/Digital Tool Certificate Test Administration Procedures

2023-24 Intent to Pursue Results

FCAPE-03 Form

  • The M-DCPS policy requires personnel to abide by state policies established by statutes and rules, specifically Florida Board of Education Administrative Rule 6A-10.042, Rule 6A-6.53, and M-DCPS School Board Policy 2605. These standards apply to all personnel, including test administrators, proctors, and any other school or District staff involved. 

Excerpts of Briefing ID # 40757

Title: Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) Career and Technical Education (CTE) Program Linkage to an Industry Certification Exam (ICE) 

CTE Program to ICE Alignment

Request Link CTE Program to Certification for FDOE