Career Technical Education
M-DCPS Career Technical Education (CTE) is impacting the lives of Miami-Dade County students preparing them to be college and career ready through programs of study and career pathways aligned to Career Clusters. CTE students graduate with world-class academic and technological skills, plus industry-recognized certifications necessary to transition to higher education and careers.
CTE students may also earn free college credits through dual enrollment, college and technical center articulation agreements or achievement of a state-articulated industry certification.

Bright Futures
The Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program has helped more than 660,000 Florida students attend a postsecondary institution. CTE students have the opportunity to qualify for the Florida Gold Seal Vocational Scholars Award, one of three of the Bright Futures Awards.
Bright Futures Student Handbook
Comprehensive Course Table (CCT)
State Scholarship & Grant Programs

Industry Certifications
Industry certifications are an important component of Career Academies and CTE Programs verifying that students have demonstrated technical skill attainment. Select industry certifications have been approved at the state level for free college credits awarded to students.
Industry Certification Information
FLDOE announces new Career and Technical Education Graduation Pathway Option
Beginning with the 2019-2020 school year, a student may earn a standard high school diploma through the Career and Technical Education (CTE) pathway option.
To earn a standard high school diploma through this pathway option, a student must:
- Successfully complete a minimum of 18 credits.
- Have a minimum, cumulative GPA of at least a 2.0 on a 4.0 scale.
- Meet the requirements of
- 4 English credits (including the statewide grade 10 Reading assessment or the grade 10 ELA assessment, or earn a concordant score)
- 4 Math credits (including the statewide Algebra I EOC assessment, or earn a comparative score)
- 3 Science credits
- 3 Social studies credits
- Complete two credits in career and technical education. The courses must result in a program completion and an industry certification.
- Complete two credits in work-based learning programs. A student may substitute up to two credits of electives, including one-half credit in financial literacy, for work-based learning program courses to fulfill this requirement.
Please visit the following page on FLDOE.org for comprehensive information on High School Graduation Requirements.
Support Documents from FLDOE
- A listing of courses in the Course Code Directory that fulfill the work-based learning component of the CTE pathway option (Excel)
- A listing of CTE programs and associated CTE courses that fulfill the CTE program component of the CTE pathway option (Excel)
- Multi-year listing of eligible industry certifications that fulfill the industry certification component of the CTE pathway option (Excel)

NAF Academies
Many career academies are members of the National Academy Foundation (NAF), an acclaimed national network of high school career academies predominately based in urban districts with rigorous, career-themed curricula created with current industry and educational expertise. These career academies are aligned with the One Community One Goal initiative targeting major industries that impact Miami’s economy.
For more information, visit miaminafacademies.org

Preparing Students for Miami’s Future Workforce
Several of Miami-Dade’s CTE programs are aligned with the One Community One Goal initiative targeting major industries that impact Miami’s economy.
Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO)
Some of the most exciting and satisfying times of a CTE student’s education can be his/her experience in Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) contests and leadership activities. CTSOs are a basic component of CTE programs that provide students with skills and knowledge to succeed in their chosen career field.
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