• “Exploring Computer Science” course taught in CTE Digital Information Technology in 13 high schools.
  • Unity Game Programming application offered at 3 high schools in CTE programs.
  • 78 CTE teachers completed training MIT App Inventor training from FIU College of Engineering.
  • In collaboration with FIU, 18 CTE teachers trained in Computer Science Principles and are eligible to teach AP Computer Science course.
  • Seven schools offer AP Computer Science taught by CTE teachers:  John A. Ferguson, Coral Gables, Ronald Reagan, Southwest, Miami Springs, Hialeah Gardens, and TERRA.
  • Through a Verizon/Project Lead the Way Grant, 13 middle schools offer PLTW Computer Science curriculum through Business, IT and Technology Ed. courses. Twenty- three (23) teachers have been trained.

For more STEM and Computer Science in CTE information, visit: http://dcte.dadeschools.net/cteprograms.html