Junior Achievement

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CTE Student Spotlight

By | May 6th, 2020|Categories: Career Pathways, CTE Student Spotlight, Distance Learning, Education & Training, Junior Achievement|Tags: , , , |

Congratulations to Chloe Reyes She is an independent student who takes pride in the quality of her work and level of achievement. Chloe has a track record of being very productive at a high level. She holds two Industry Certifications in Adobe Illustrator and Animation. Congratulations to Destiny She had an amazing work ethic during the [...]

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    Junior Achievement Hosts 3,000 Middle Schoolers

    By | December 2nd, 2019|Categories: Career Academies, Career Pathways, Junior Achievement, STEM|Tags: , |

    On National Entrepreneur Day, November 19, 2019 over 3,000 middle school students attended the Junior Achievement Inspire Career Exploration Day at the Doubletree Hilton Miami Airport Convention Center.   The Miami-Dade County Public Schools high schools had hands-on exhibits and information about career and technical education.     Thanks to @SAP for sponsoring and exhibiting [...]

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