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CTE Student Spotlight

By | May 6th, 2020|Categories: Career Pathways, CTE Student Spotlight, Distance Learning, Education & Training, Junior Achievement|Tags: , , , |

Congratulations to Chloe Reyes She is an independent student who takes pride in the quality of her work and level of achievement. Chloe has a track record of being very productive at a high level. She holds two Industry Certifications in Adobe Illustrator and Animation. Congratulations to Destiny She had an amazing work ethic during the [...]

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    CTE & Distance Learning

    By | April 21st, 2020|Categories: Career Academies, Distance Learning, Online Courses|Tags: , |

    Miami-Dade County Public Schools Career and Technical Education (CTE) teachers are using many forms of curriculum for distance learning including CTE curriculum from Odysseyware,, Unity, bulb App, online textbook material and much, much more! Teachers, to access "Instructional Continuity Pacing Guides" for CTE click link and log in to portal with M-DCPS credentials CTE Lessons [...]

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