Agriscience Career Pathways
Miami-Dade Career and Technical Education (CTE) Agriscience K-8, middle school and high school programs of study integrate rigorous academic study with technical and soft work skills in specific career pathways of the career cluster Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources.

Career Exploration in Middle School
At the middle school level, students are introduced to CTE programs in exploration and introduction courses, which are designed to pique their interest in learning about career clusters and pathways. Middle school agriscience students have the opportunity to participate in FFA leadership training and competitions, and to also achieve digital learning tool certificates and/or industry certification. Courses are aligned to Florida state-approved curriculum; and to high school CTE programs.
Middle and K-8 Schools with Agriscience CTE Courses
- Coconut Palm K-8 Academy
- Hialeah Middle
- Hialeah Gardens Middle
- Homestead Middle
- John F. Kennedy Middle
- Redland Middle
- Richmond Heights Middle
Career Pathways in High School
High school students begin study of CTE Agriscience programs in the ninth grade, which provides them an opportunity to concentrate their efforts in an agricultural or animal science career pathway. Agriscience programs consist of 3 or more year long courses, participation in FFA, achievement of industry certification, and work-based learning opportunities.
- Agriculture Biotechnology
- Agritechnology
- Horticulture Science and Services
- Natural Resources
- Veterinary Assisting
Industry Certification
Usually achieved during senior year with online exam and sometimes with demonstration of skills (may also be age and experiential hours requirements.)
For industry certification for these programs, see the Return on Investment Report.

Career and Technical Ed. Student Organization
Middle, high school and post-secondary student participation.
High Schools with Agriscience
- Coral Reef Senior High*
- Hialeah Gardens Senior High*
- South Dade Senior High
- TERRA Environmental Research
- William H. Turner Technical Arts High
Horticulture Science and Services
- South Dade Senior High
Principles of Agribusiness & Management
- William H. Turner Technical Arts
Veterinary Academies
- Felix Varela Senior High
- Hialeah Gardens*
- J.C. Bermudez Doral*
- John A. Ferguson Senior High
- Robert Morgan Educational Center
- William H. Turner Technical Arts
Example Careers
Average Salaries
Agricultural Equipment Operator | $31,880 | $21,720 - $47,150 |
Agricultural Technician | $39,480 | $28,030 - $39,480 |
Agricultural Engineer | $74,620 | $47,330 - $160,950 |
Animal Scientist | $60,400 | $38,260 - $111,740 |
Environmental Engineer | $81,980 | $54,330 - $142,070 |
Environmental Engineering Technician | $44,510 | $32,610 - $82,930 |
Forestry/Conservation Technician | $40,370 | $26,160 - $56,410 |
Inspector of Agricultural Product | $36,350 | $27,930 - $67,400 |
Park Naturalist | $67,510 | $39,270 - $98,060 |
Tree Trimmer and Pruner | $35,500 | $26,450 - $62,390 |
Veterinary Assistant | $28,790 | $20,790 - $39,800 |
Occupational Outlook Handbook: : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (bls.gov) February 2021

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